English Paper Piecing
Join us for English Paper Piecing session. We will work on our personal projects with guidance from staff.
Cost: $ 5.00
Join us for English Paper Piecing session. We will work on our personal projects with guidance from staff.
Cost: $ 5.00
Symphony Block of the Month
Monthly demonstration of the BOM for those enrolled in the Symphony BOM.
Cost: $ FREE
Monthly demonstration of the BOM for those enrolled in the Symphony BOM.
Cost: $ FREE
Silhouette Art Quilt
Make a small silhouette art quilt. Ideas for different possibilities will be provided.
Cost: $ 55.00
Make a small silhouette art quilt. Ideas for different possibilities will be provided.
Cost: $ 55.00
Technique Workshop: Inset Circles
Make inset circles to enhance quilts and wall hangings.
Cost: $ 55.00
Make inset circles to enhance quilts and wall hangings.
Cost: $ 55.00